9820 059 435 / 9768 888 828 / 9820 356 060 mumbai@cinquesolutions.com


Multiple Services Activity

Every equipment needs to be serviced, calibrated and maintained to ensure they are in optimum working condition. This becomes even more important in equipment related to the safety of plant and personnel. The calibration and maintenance period will be dependant on the environment, in which the equipment is required to operate as well as the type of technology. Typically the maintenance/calibration period is 6-12 months. Furthermore there are legislations as well as ISO requirements behind getting your equipment and systems calibrated to manufacturer recommendations, and by competently trained personnel.
We can help with service and maintenance of gas detectors, breathing apparatus sets, breathing air compressors, safety showers etc. We provide traceable calibration, with full system calibration data and service reports. These detail exactly what happened during your service visit and also the reports provide details of alarm levels and which traceable calibration gas was used.
We can also assist and guide you the best way to use, store and use your equipment for better performance and longer life.

Calibration Maintenance of Gas Detection system

Portable & Fixed system

Servicing/ Pressure guage Calibration/ Refilling / HPT testing

Commissioning and Installation support for Gas Detection system

Training on Portable and Fixed Gas detection system & Training of SCBA sets